What We Stand For

Hitting the gym has always been a go-to for many people suffering with any sort of mental issues. We recognize this and can relate to it entirely. With the way our world is today people need to care for their mental health more than ever, this is why we decided to take a stand and make our voice heard.

Here at Peake Fitness we want to teach people about the positive impacts that physical exercise can have on your mental state and overall well-being. Whether you're cursed with a permanent mental illness or just experiencing an emotional day, the impacts that exercise can have on you are astounding. Especially when mixed with an all around healthier lifestyle, you can positvely alter your mental state like you wouldnt believe.

Even more, we want to encourage people to embrace the gym as a place of acceptance and encouragement. We want to encourage a community of gym goers that want the best for themselves and others. After all, everybody has a mountain they're climbing, lets help each other reach the Peake.

A Message From Our Founder:

As the founder of Peake Fitness, I can relate to mental struggles, both permanent and temporary. Every day I face battles with anxiety, OCD, ADHD, and have even had to fight through depression. I know what it's like to be in a dark place or for your thoughts to have a mind of their own and keep on running to the point of near insanity. Through all of my battles I've had to face, there's always been one thing I've come back to that made all of the noise disappear: fitness. By no means am I insinuating that exercise is the cure to mental disorders; but, what I am saying is that exercising and living a healthy lifestyle can produce "feel-good chemicals" in the brain and create a more positive overall self image. So, if you're battling demons daily or just feeling down, do yourself a favor and give my advice a shot. What's the worst that could happen, you get a little healthier?

About our Donations

In order to have even more of an impact on the mental health community, Peake Fitness will be donating 3% of all sales to different mental health organizations at the end of every month! We will be giving the people opportunities to suggest their favorite mental health organizations so that we can spread the love to different organizations every month. If you have a favorite organization that you would like us to donate to, feel free to reach out to us via email or social media and let us know!


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